Pembukaan Pidato Bhs.Inggris - The Opening Of Speech

Salam Pembuka Sebelum Berpidato :

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
     Forst of all, let's thanks ALLAH the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.
     Secondly, may salawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the loghtness in this world as well as next world.
     Thirdly, I'll never forget to thanks Mr.Chairman who has given me oppurtunity to deliver my speech in front of this public.
     Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title .....

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
     Praise be to compassionate and merciful God, just and wish, who grants His favor and mercy to those who obey Him, who punishes thoes who disobey Him. His Self-sufficient, All-powerfull, the Greats, the Highest. Praise be to His Exalted be His Countenance, Mighty be His dominion. It is He who judges and it is to Him that we return.
     I bear witness that there is no God but AllAH and I bear witnessthat Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the Most Excellent worshipper, leader of God, Supreme among prophets.
     Dear brothers, sister, ladies and gentlemen.
     In this time being I take a great oppurtunity to deliver a speech under the tittle .....

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