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Pidato Bhs.Inggris - ISRA’ AND MI’RAJ


Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Praise be to Allah, the God who perpetuates his servants with Isro’ and Mi’roj. He perpetuates it by making this story as the great miracle. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, there is no partner with him. I also bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and his messenger. May peace and prayers be upon our adoration. Amma ba’du.

Dear brothers and sisters !

The event of Isro’ MI’roj is one of the miracle of our prophet SAW Allah honors our great prophet deeply with this miracle when he experienced painful and frightening luck. At that time, the disbelievers tortured the messenger with the smartest tortures, interfered. With his missionary endeavour by employing various manners. Shatterd his followers and disciples. All of these painful suffering took his climax after his uncle and his wife passed away. Abu Tholib, the messengers uncle who used to protect Islamic endeavour, and Khadijah, the messengers wife who used to be his partner when he was suffering, passed away at mostly the same time.

These events certainly sudden him very much. He was really sad with the demise of his two protections. With the heavyhearted, he went to taif land in order to get new endorsement. He excepted that in this new land he found people who would be ready to help his religious endeavour. Unfortunately, what he found, was that the thaif people suddenly palted him with stones until his feet were bloody. He got more sad and confused for seeing the development of this mission. In his most confusion and sadness, Allahhonored him deeply by taking him to have Isro’ Mi’roj. These two events were for affirming and calming down the messengers heart. Allah showered the messenger with mercy and nobelty from Sidratul Muntaha. Beside him was heaven which was ready to stay in Sidratul Muntaha, he saw the glory and the greatness of Allah, a view that could not be seen by anyone but the messenger. He got full of spirit and was really comforted with this journey which brought happiness.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters in faith and religion.

In the journey of Isro’ Mi’roj he also witnessed many add events which could be lesson for the Moslems. Among others thing is what was told by Abu Hurairah r.a that the messenger said that, “At the night when I was taken to Isro’ Mi’roj, that was when I arrived at the seventh sky. I saw can odd view. I saw upward, and suddenly, I found thunder, flash of lighting, and thunderbolt. I the came to a group off people whose stomaches were like a house containing snakes. The snakes could be been from outside their stomaches. I the asked, “O Jibril, who are they? He answered, they are people who used to eat usury”. This hadith was told by Imam Ahmad. At the night, the messenger also witnessed other events.
All of which you can find in his narratives in the books of hadith.

Dear brothers and sisters who are honored by Allah.

The event of Isro’ and Mi’roj is purposeful, and the real purpose is to bring the messenger to Allah, to receive his commandment to do five-time prayers. The value of the reward of these five-time prayers is the same with that of fifty five. As what was previously commanden to messenger received this commandment directly from Allah to be delivered directly to the human kind. In Islam, prayers constitue the pillar of religion and the media of contact between human and Allah. Besides, prayer can also cause a close relationship among the Moslems anywhere they are. The most important thing we have to know in this occasion is that Isro’ Mi’roj is the miracle of the previous messengers. The miracles of the previous messengers where visible and could arise two different responses, those are encouraging people to be believer or even disbelievers. In addition the visible miracles can end when the events have been finished on the other hand, the miracle of the messenger. Muhammad SAW is always alive and enternal. The enternity is valid for each generation and never lasting. Even, this continuously experiences renewal all the time. It speaks to the reason and encourages it to think.

Ladies and Gentlemen !

Another thing which is important to remember is understanding the meaning of the must of doing prayer. By commemorating Isro’ Mi’roj the Moslems are asked to think and understand the meaning of the must of doing prayer so that they will always keep this commandment. They are also asked to penetrate the essence and the use of prayer, so that they will not disobey this must. It is prayer which can put the servant in contact with his God and which distinct the believers and the disbelievers Allah said in his noble sacred book :

“Nay seek (Allah’s) help with patient perseverance and prayer :
It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit – who bear in mind the
certainly that they are to met their lord, and that they are return to him”
(Al Baqarah : 45-46)

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Penulis : Agus Trianti

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